Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Classic Brain Models

Budget Brain
Life-size, three-dimensional, plastic replica of the human brain. Great for hands-on study of brain anatomy

2-Part Brain
This brain is medially divided and structures are shown in one col

4-Part Brain
This brain is medially divided. All structures are hand painted, numbered and identified on a key card. The right half can be disassembled into: frontal with parietal lobes, brain stem with temporal and occipital lobes, half of cerebellum.

8-Part Brain
A very detailed model of the human brain which is medially divided. Both halves can be dissembled into frontal with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, half of brain stem, half of cerebellum.


Giant-Size Human Brain Models

Giant Student-Edition Brain
Twice life-size, this unbreakable vinyl replica first divides into right and left hemispheres, then further splits the right half into three segments. Component parts are locked together with pins and stay together for pass-around until pulled apart. 50 principal features of the cerebral lobes, cerebellum

Giant 14-Part Brain
Our biggest brain. A whopping 2.5X life size. This comprehensive brain model is a very useful teaching aid, especially for large groups of students. All structures of the brain and ventricles are visible through median, frontal and horizontal divisions. Comes with removable base.


Human Brain Models with Arteries

8-Part Budget Brain with Arteries
An educational economy model of the brain. Color markings illustrate arteries (red) and cranial nerves (yellow). Dissects into 8 parts
Medially divided with the right half showing arteries. The left half can be disassembled into: frontal with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, half of brain stem and half of cerebellum.
9-Part Brain with Arteries
This medially divided brain model shows the brain arteries as well as the removable basilar artery. Both halves can be disassembled into: frontal with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, half of brain stem and half of cerebellum


Human Brain & Head Models

Brain with Arteries, Mounted in Head
This deluxe brain comes in an opened head to allow detailed study of the brain's position in the skull. The head is horizontally divided above the skull base. The brain model is medially opened to show the brain arteries as well as the removable basilar artery. Both halves of the brain can be disassembled into frontal with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, brain stem and cerebellum


Neuro-Anatomical Brain

8-Part Neuro-Anatomical Brain

This deluxe brain is medially divided. On the right half, you will find a colored, systematic grouping and representation of the cerebral lobe. The left half shows: pre- and post-central region, Broca and Wernicke area, Heschl's gyrus, brain nerves, and ventricles. Both halves can be disassembled into front with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, half of brain stem and half of cerebellum.


Sectional Human Brain Models

Giant Double-Sided Brain Segment Model

A twice life-size, 2-sided view of the right half of the brain with the pia matter removed. Color coding identifies important structures. One side shows a part of the falx cerebri, the other exposes the lateral ventricles. 49 labeled parts


Human Nervous System Models

Human Nervous System

This relief model is half life-size and shows a schematic representation of the central and peripheral nervous system. An excellent model to study the structure of the human nervous system.

Psychology of Nerves

5 magnetic models on illustrated metal board. Displays the basic structure of the human nervous system. Each of the five sections shows a plastic, colored relief depicting the basic structure of the human nervous system. All sections can magnetically attach to the illustrated base which depicts the neural components in vivid colors. The five component reliefs are: Neuron Cell Body, Myelin Sheaths of the CNS; Schwann Cells of the PNS; Motor End Plate; and Synapse

Motor Neuron Diorama

Magnified more than 2500 times and fully three dimensional, a neuron is depicted in its natural setting. With the membranous envelope cut away, the cytological ultrastructure, organelles and inclusions within the cell body are depicted in contrasting colors. A section of the axon lifts off to expose the enveloping myelin sheath and neurolemma, as well as the Schwann cell that formed them. Dendrites of the neuron extend into the background and synaptic vesicles carrying neurotransmitters can be seen via a cutaway view. 54 features are identified in the illustrated key. Mounted on a hardwood base. Overall dimensions


Deluxe Giant Eye Models

Giant Eye in Bony Orbit
6 times life-size and dissectible into eight parts, this unbreakable vinyl eyeball sits in its bony socket to provide a better understanding of its relationship with major blood vessels, muscles and nerves. All six muscles of movement can be seen and the upper half of the eyeball with the lacrimal (tear) gland lifts off. Present and extractable are the superior and lateral rectus muscles; the iris and cornea, which can be removed as a unit; the Lucite lens, which actually magnifies and inverts images; and the transparent vitreous body, which exposes the fovea centralis on the retina. The choroid coat, retina, and optic disk can also be seen, as well as schematic cross section through retinal layers.
11-Part Human Eye Model
This anatomical model of the eye shows the eyeball with optic nerve in its natural position in the bony orbit (floor and median wall). It also shows the relationship between eye, bones, muscles and other structures of the eye. Dissectible into: two halves of the sclera, optic nerve, M. rectus superior, M. rectus lateralis, cornea half, lens, lachrymal system, vitreous humour, tear gland and associated structures


Giant Eye Models

Budget Whopper Eye
ModelA highly detailed eye model to satisfy beginning students. Dissects into 7 parts that include: top section, vitreous body, bottom section, lens

5X 6-Part Eye Model
Five times life-size. Removable parts are: upper half of the sclera with cornea and eye muscle attachments, both halves of choroid with iris and retina, lens and vitreous humour


Functional Eye Models

5-Part Functional Eye

Six times life-size unbreakable vinyl plastic replica of the eye is packed with useful teaching features. On the exterior of the eyeball is the cornea, through which the iris and pupil are visible. The large lacrimal (rear) gland, attachments for all six muscles that move the eyeball, the optic nerve, and surrounding blood vessels. The eyeball divides in half to study the interior. The iris / cornea can be removed as can the functioning Lucite lens, which magnifies and forms inverted images. The transparent vitreous body exposes the choroid coat and retina. Rods, cones and other retinal microstructures are detailed in a highly magnified diagramatic cross section.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Human Eye
Standard Eye Models

Standard Eye Model
Oversized model with cutaway to show inner anatomy, including optic nerve and disc, macula, retina, central retinal artery and vein. Lens and cornea are removable. Comes with removable patient education card and base.


Bone Identification Skulls
Didactic Skull on Cervical Spine
This four-part skull uses 19 didactic colors to demonstrate the shape and relationship of the various bone plates of the human skull. Flexibly mounted on the cervical spine (C1, C2 and C7 are colored), this model also exhibits the hindbrain, spinal cord, spinal nerves of the cervical spine, vertebral arteries, basilar artery and rear cerebral arteries.


Human Skulls with Brains
Classic Skull with Brain
This skull can be disassembled into skull cap, base of skull and mandible. The midsagitally divided brain is cast from an original anatomic specimen. The components of the left half are: frontal lobe and parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe, encephalic trunk and cerebellum


Bone-Like Skulls

Deluxe 6-Part Bony Skull
Made of bone-like material, this is a complete midsagitally sectioned skull. It can be disassembled into both halves of the skull cap and the base of skull, the nasal septum and the complete mandible. To demonstrate masticatory movement, the lower jaw is mounted flexibly

Half Deluxe 6-Part Bony Skull
The left bony half skull has been designed especially for the student's budget. The half skull can be disassembled into skullcap, base of skull, mandible and nasal septum


Deluxe Medical Demonstration Skull

Deluxe Medical Demonstration Skull
High-quality plastic skull replica showing extraordinary detail. Cast from a specially prepared natural specimen. All 32 teeth are faithfully reproduced and are individually removable. A hinged flap on the right side discloses the roots of the molars and premolars. These features make it especially useful for dentists.. Color is used to highlight the sinuses and semicular canals, and to trace cranial nerve tracts and the arteries and meningeal sinuses within the cranium. The skullcap is removable and the base of the skull is midsagitally divided. The frontal sinus, perpendicular lamina and vomer are fitted with flaps which can be opened to view the lateral nose wall and sphenoidal sinus. The skull divides into halves along the mid-sagittal plane. The perpendicular plane of the ethmoid and vomer is hinged to expose the sphenoid sinus. On the left half, the temporal bone can be removed and folded up in the area of the tympanic membrane. Maxilla and mandible are opened to reveal the alveolar nerves.
On the right side, the temporal bone is opened to reveal the sigmoid sinus, the facial nerve canal and the semicircular ducts. Additional flaps are located at the maxillary sinus and the right half of the mandible, so that the dental roots of the premolars and molars of the lower jaw can also be viewed. Details are shown below

Budget AND Classic Skulls

Budget Skull

Budget Skull
This ready-to-use, economical, life-size adult plastic skull features a movable jaw, cut calvarium, suture lines and three removable lower teeth - incisor, cuspid and molar
Classic 3-Part Adult Skull
Classic 3-Part Adult Skull
These classic skulls combine quality and value. All important anatomical structures are shown